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Say Chhum

Say Chhum

Born in 1945, Say Chhum is the owner and director of Rasmei Kampuchea, one of the most popular newspaper in Cambodia. According to the Ministry of Information, Say is also the license holder of Apsara TV, Apsara radio station and Seila Angkor radio station. He was elected President of the Cambodian Senate in June 2015 and co-vice president of the Cambodian People’s Party. The same month, he was awarded the honorable title of “Samdech Vibol Sena Pheakdey Say Chhum” by the King. Before these nominations, he had been serving as First Vice President of the Senate since 2012 and second vice president of the National Assembly since 2008, according to his bio posted on senate’s website. From 1993 to 2012, he served as a CPP MP in Kompong Speu province. From 1986 to 1993, he was appointed Minister of Agriculture and Vice-President of the Council of Ministers. Say was a teacher in a Northeastern Cambodian province in the 1960's and started to serve various posts in CPP after the Khmer Rouge regime.

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Apsara TV