Vong Moyura

Vong Mayoura is the owner of The Cambodia Herald and Cambodia Express News, which belong to the PEN Media Group. She was appointed Deputy Secretary of State at the Ministry of National Assembly-Senate Relations and Inspection in April 2015 and manages the PEN Media Group after its co-founder, her husband, Pen Samithi, passed away in March 2015. Pen Samithi was born in 1960. A founder and editor-in-chief of Rasmei Kampuchea from 1993 until his death, he also founded the Club of Cambodian Journalists in 2000. Pen first worked at the Ministry of Information and Propaganda in Phnom Penh in 1979. He then started a career in journalism in 1981, and worked as a reporter for The Phnom Penh newspaper, for which he then worked as editor and then editor-in-chief from 1986 to 1993. In 2008, Pen founded PEN Media group, a company registered at the ministry of commerce, which runs The Cambodia Herald and Cambodia Express News. Until 2015, he was a journalism lecturer at the Department of Media and Communication (DMC) of The Royal University of Phnom Penh. Pen Samithi is also the younger brother of Pen Panha, the current chairman of the Commission on Legislation and Justice of the National Assembly and a member of the Permanent Committee of CCP’s the Central Committee. Pen held a Bachelor Degree in journalism from Russia in 1987.
Family & Friends
Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends
Pen Samithi - passed away in March 2015. Pen Samithi was born in 1960. A founder and editor-in-chief of Rasmei Kampuchea from 1993 until his death, he also founded the Club of Cambodian Journalists in 2000.
Pen Panha - brother in law, is the current chairman of the Commission on Legislation and Justice of the National Assembly and a member of the Permanent Committee of CCP’s the Central Committee.